Sid Meier's Pirates! Wiki
Ship Type
Large Frigate
Medium member of the Frigate class
Ship Of The Line
2004 Ship Frigate
A powerful and fast combat vessel
Prevalence: Very Rare
Physical Size: Large
Maneuverability: Mid-High
Durability: High
Best Sailing Point: Running Broad Reach to Broad Reach
Comparative Speed: Mid-High
Best Speed: Highest
Max. Cannons: 40 Icon Cannon
Max. Crew: 250 Icon Crew
Min. Crew: 20 Icon Crew
Ideal Crew (w/ Max Cannons): 140 Icon Crew
Cargo Capacity: 90 tons
Basic Sale Price: 600 Icon GoldCoin

The Large Frigate is a large, fast and powerful combat vessel in Sid Meier's Pirates! (2004). Despite being one of the most heavily-armed warships in the game, it retains surprising speed and manoeuvrability for its size. Designed originally by the Dutch to counter the threat of Spanish Galleons, its speed allows it to engage larger, heavier-armed vessels than itself with ease. It is a very rare ship, and capture one can be very tricky

Difficult to control in battle due to its size, in the hands of a skilled captain the Large Frigate can nonetheless be extremely useful: its firepower enables it to subdue any opponent, its speed to outmanoeuvre all but the fastest opponents, and its manoeuvrability (when used properly with Sail State changes) can even allow it to avoid incoming fire despite its size. Outside of combat, it is seen as a naval-domination ship, capable of keeping an area clean of all enemy threats for long periods of time, and/or attacking enemy nations directly. It is encountered very often serving the military interests of the three non-Spanish nations.

In the Player's Hands[]

No nation/era combination will have the player starting off with a Large Frigate.

The Large Frigate its a very rare ship, only sent by wealthy cities on important missions. Fortunately, Henry Morgan, the famous pirate, sails on a heavily armed Large Frigate, so there is a sure-fire way to get one.


  • Under the Royal Navy's rating system, the Large Frigate would be considered a fifth-rate.